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Data Protection


The Council is committed to keeping your data safe and being open with you about what data is stored and why. The following documents will help you understand how the Council complies with its requirements under Data Protection Law. 


Data Protection Statement


Data Protection Policy


Information Audit


Retention of Documents Policy

Data Protection Committee

Image showing the words "data protection"

**** Due to the increased frequency of the main Parish Council meetings Data Protection duties have been integrated into these meetings.  Previous meeting minutes and agendas can be found below ****



Newton Flotman Parish Council have a committee that oversees its Data Protection duties. 


Committee Terms of Reference


2021 Meetings

11 June | Agenda | Minutes - draft


2020 Meetings

10 July | Agenda | Minutes


2019 Meetings

17 April | Agenda | Minutes 


2018 Meetings

23 May | Agenda | Minutes


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